Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges
Automotive Technicians are in high demand nationwide, 而且这并不是大多数人想象中的职业——它甚至更多. 汽车技师的职业生涯充满挑战,并且总是随着工程和技术的进步而不断发展. 这些新时代、尖端设计的车辆将汽车行业带入了一个新的水平.
Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges
Ohio Board of Career Colleges and Schools
雷泽体育通过学院的职业服务人员为每个成功完成课程的学生提供就业援助,作为其使命的组成部分. This service is divided into two areas: part-time and career placement. While the College makes no guarantee of future employment, 安置过程的设计是为了充分利用学生的精力和能力.
Prior to graduation, 每个学生都参加与就业服务人员的强制性求职技能会议. This meeting covers resume writing, communicating with potential employers, interviewing skills, and an after interview follow-up. 然后,学生和就业服务部门在学生毕业后感兴趣的城市建立职业指导. 正是通过这样的面试,学生们获得了工作机会,从而进入了职业生涯.
As a part of each student’s initial registration at the start of class, 他/她参加初次安置面试并完成信息表格. 通过这份表格,职业顾问了解学生是否对参加OTC的兼职工作感兴趣,如果有的话, what kind of work the student is qualified to do. 然后,职业服务顾问将帮助学生找到兼职工作.
Under the CARES Act, 这笔资金被授予雷泽体育,目的是向处理与Covid-19大流行相关问题的学生提供紧急补助金. In accordance with guidelines issued by the US Department of Education, we are reporting the following information funding:
俄亥俄州技术学院设计了我们的分配政策,这是基于德沃斯部长鼓励各机构优先考虑最需要的学生, 但同时也要考虑为所有学生设定一个最高门槛
If the student is not accepted into the training program, 除申请费外,学生已缴付之费用均予退还. Refunds for books, 供应品和消耗品费用应按照俄亥俄州行政法典第3332-1-10条的规定进行.1. 学费和可退还费用的退款应按照俄亥俄州行政法典第3332-1-10条的规定进行. 学校将在收到取消通知后15天内发出书面通知.
所有学生的投诉应首先向有关的学校工作人员提出. If no resolution is forthcoming, 书面投诉应提交学校院长或学院院长. 该问题或投诉是否已得到学院满意的解决, 学生可向执行主任提出任何问题或投诉, State Board of Career Colleges and Schools, 30 East Broad Street, Suite 2481, Columbus, Ohio, 43215, Phone 614-466-2752: toll free 877-275-4219.
由职业学校和学院认证委员会认证的学校必须有处理学生投诉的程序和操作计划. 如果学生认为学院没有充分解决投诉或担忧, the student may consider contacting the Accrediting Commission. All complaints considered by the Commission must be in written form, 在获得投诉人许可后,委员会将投诉书副本转交学院,以便学院作出回应. 投诉人将被告知投诉的状态以及委员会的最终解决方案. Please direct all inquiries to:
Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges * 2101 Wilson Blvd. / Suite 302 * Arlington, VA 22201 (703) 247-4212
委员会的投诉表格副本可在学院索取,可与总办事处联系索取. 在长度、内容和费用上相似的节目可能在美国各地都有. For a
listing of these schools, which are accredited, 请按以上地址与职业学校和学院认证委员会联系.
Campus Security Reporting:
Title IX Coordinator:
Ohio Technical College
3174 East 51st St.
Cleveland, OH 44103
Tel: (216) 881-1700 X106
Title IX Training Program: Click here for summary of program. Detailed training materials may be obtained from the Title IX Coordinator
根据联邦或州法律,因持有或销售非法毒品而被定罪, during a period of enrollment when receiving federal aid, will result in the loss of eligibility for any Title IV, HEA grant, loan, or work study assistance. A conviction that was reversed, set aside, or removed does not count, nor does one received as a juvenile, unless tried as an adult.
The chart below illustrates the period of ineligibility for FSA funds, 这取决于定罪是买卖还是持有,以及该学生是否有前科. (贩卖毒品罪包括合谋贩卖毒品罪.)
Possession of Illegal Drugs |
Sale of Illegal Drugs | |
1st offense | 1 year from date of conviction | 2 years from date of conviction |
2nd offense | 2 years from date of conviction | Indefinite period |
3+ offenses | Indefinite period of ineligibility | Indefinite period of ineligibility |
To regain eligibility, 一个人必须成功完成由联邦政府认可的戒毒康复计划, 州或地方政府机构,该项目必须包括至少两次未经宣布的药物测试,或者如果定罪被推翻, set aside or removed from the student’s record. If a student is denied eligibility for an indefinite period, 如前所述,学生可以在完成药物康复计划后重新获得资格,或者如果定罪被撤销, set aside, 或者从学生的记录中删除,这样记录上的记录就少于两次因出售毒品或三次因持有毒品而被定罪的记录. In such cases, 剩余定罪的性质和日期将决定学生何时恢复资格
According to the US Department of Education, 如果学生在接受联邦资助后被判犯有毒品罪, 他们必须立即通知奖学金和财政援助办公室.
That student will
如果学生在申请第四章联邦财政援助时被判犯有毒品罪, 他们必须报告FAFSA第23项的定罪情况. For additional information (PDF) on this requirement call a Federal representative at 1‐800‐433‐3243.
雷泽体育(OTC)努力为所有学生维护一个安全的环境, employees and visitors. 根据美国联邦法典第34条和高等教育法第485条. See this link for additional information (PDF).